
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Preaching More Important than Chanting

"Unless you come to the realization that every living entity is My part and parcel (mad bhaava sarva bhuteshu) until then, you can never reach Me." To chant 16 rounds is a vow we have taken. But we have to decide according to time and circumstances, how to chant and where to chant. Suppose we are in a big multi-story temple, and in the temple room we are chanting. We are really sincerely following our vow and we have to complete the 16 rounds.

But somebody may come from China and he wants to know something about the temple, about the various activities in the temple, then if we say, "I am chanting, don't talk with me", No, that is not bhakti. May be Krishna comes in his form, who knows. If not Krishna, at least part and parcel of Krishna is approaching. But we see him as Chinese. We don't see him as a spirit soul, that is our greatest mistake. And then we chant.

Arre man, Krishna's part and parcel is coming and you are ignoring him and trying to complete your vow then that bhakti doesn't work. And with all this care, still, again the plans of Krishna is there. Nobody can deny. na yasya karhicid raajan, pumaan veda vidhitsitam, yad vijijnaasayaa yuktaa muhyanti kavayo 'pi hi.They don't know the plans of Krishna. muhyanti kavayo pi hi, the philosophers have enquired for the last millions of years exhaustively and they also are bewildered to understand His plans. We may do one thing and it may result in some exact opposite thing that what we planned. He knows what is it, but we do not know. Till we understand these preliminary things, we cannot go ahead at all on the bhakti path. This is the monopoly only of Srila Prabhupada that he has only opened our eyes. He has pointed our own defects so that we can rectify them and improve our behavior.


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